WEP/GPO Repealed!

We have fantastic news to report. Just after midnight this morning, the United States Senate passed the Social Security Fairness Act, thereby sending full repeal of the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law!  The historic bi-partisan vote of 76-20 follows a similar landmark vote in the House of Representatives where full repeal legislation passed by a margin of 327-75.

Many lawmakers, organizations and government leaders told us that this would never happen and encouraged us to settle for a substandard reform. But we refused to give up and tonight we, along with many other unions, proved that when WE FIGHT, WE WIN!

We thank all of our active and retired members for always responding to our calls to contact their elected representatives in the house and senate and we want to especially acknowledge the efforts of our retiree chapter leaders Ed Keefe and Barbara Mann, who have dedicated decades of their lives to fighting this injustice!