BOSTON, MA 02108
PHONE: 617-367-6000
Executive Office
The Executive Office ensures effective leadership, management, accountablilty, and oversees all AFSCME Council 93 operations across Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The office sets the prioities and goals for Council 93 and serves on various boards, commissions, and committiees to advocate for our membership.
Legislation & Political Action
The Department of Legislation and Political Action serves as the lead advocate for AFSCME Council 93 members in the Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont State Legislatures. The department also spearheads union efforts to elect pro-labor, pro-working family candidates to public office in the four-state region. In addition, department staff members serve as the lead spokespersons for the Council in matters involving the media and other public forums.
Legal Department
The Legal Department represents our members and our Locals in hearings before administrative agencies, courts, and arbitrators throughout the four-state jurisdiction of the Council. They also provide legal advice to Council staff, Local leaders, and members in interpreting contract language, laws, precedent, regulations, and policies that have an effect on the working conditions of the union membership.
Business Office
The Business Office is responsible for all financial matters of Council 93. The office collects, records and processes all receipts and disbursements of the union in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The results are then reported to the Council Executive Board and to all appropriate Federal and State agencies. In addition, the Business Office processes dues receipts for over 225 local unions, paying per capita taxes to AFSCME International and issuing rebate checks to all of our local unions. It also maintains the membership files for Council 93.
Field Services and Organizing
The Field Services and Organizing Department manages the day-to-day interactions and concerns of our members and locals throughout our four-state region, as well as growing Council 93 through organizing workers in both the public and private sector. Council 93 field staff provide support to affiliated locals in every aspect - through contract negotiations, mid-term bargaining, representation of members in disciplinary hearings and/or with other contractual matters, and providing guidance and assistance in labor/management interactions. The organizing staff identify and work with unorganized workplaces to educate the workers about the benefits of forming a union in their workplace with AFSCME Council 93, and they lead new groups of workers through the organizing process to form their union, from start to finish.
Membership Mobilization
The Department of Member Mobilization has numerous responsibilities, all of which relate to internal organizing. Internal organizing refers to working with the members of a bargaining unit already represented by AFSCME Council 93 to strengthen the union. These responsibilities include insuring that all of bargaining unit members join the union, managing membership cards, handling all training and leadership development activities, member communication, and member engagement.