Stop Right-to-Work in NH!

Next Wednesday at 10:00am, the New Hampshire House Labor Committee is holding a hearing on House Bill HB 238- the so-called 'Right-to-Work' bill and we need your help opposing this bad legislation!

For over two-decades, our elected leaders have repeatedly defeated this piece of legislation through multiple bi-partisan votes because they have learned that it only leads to lower wages and diminished benefits and health and safety protections for New Hampshire workers. New Hampshire has rejected the false claims of 'Right-to-Work' legislation and needs to reject it again this year!

HB 238 is an attempt to weaken labor unions, weaken collective bargaining, and weaken all working families across New Hampshire. The labor movement has long led the way for improved wages, benefits, and working conditions in the United States and across New Hampshire.

HB 238 is governmental interference in contract negotiations plain and simple.

It will only take a minute! You can register your opposition to HB 238 quickly and easily!

  1. Go to the House of Representatives Online Testimony Submission Page
  2. Fill in Your Name and Address
  3. Select Date of Hearing 'January 22nd'
  4. Select the Committee 'House Labor, Industrial, and Rehabilitative Services'
  5. Choose the Bill '10:00am - HB 238'
  6. Choose who you (are most likely 'A Member of the Public')
  7. Select 'I OPPOSE THIS BILL'
  8. OPTIONAL Upload Testimony
  9. Click SUBMIT
  10. Share with your family and friends to support worker rights!

Please be sure to do this in advance of the 10:00am hearing time.

Please take a minute to register your OPPOSITION to HB 238. Take a stand on behalf of working families in New Hampshire and reject this harmful legislation!