The Brookline School Committee is considering fully privatizing the custodial and food services in the Brookline Public Schools. “Privatization” means that instead of these services being provided by known and trusted School Department employees, services are provided by a third-party vendor, over whom the School Department has little to no control with a high probability of no long-term cost savings.
Privatization in Brookline means...
- A reduction in quality of services
- A reduction in school safety and security
- The elimination of good jobs
AFSCME Local 1358 Brookline School Employees are fighting back, but they need your help!
Here are two easy ways you can help!
1. Send an email to the members of the Brookline School Committee asking them NOT to privatize these critical public school services!
2. Attend the Brookline School Committee Meetings
Date – Thursday, March 6th and Thursday, March 20th
Time – Please arrive by 5:30 pm
Location - Brookline Town Hall, 5th Floor 333 Washington Street
Some street and metered parking is available. There is also a small parking lot on Harvard Street. Town Hall is also accessible on the D Branch of the Green Line (Brookline Village or Brookline Hills)